Drug Rehabilitation

Best Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai

Drug-deaddiction-secondstreet - Besr Rehab Center in Mumbai

What is Drug Addiction

Drug addiction, also known as substance use disorder, is a neuropsychological condition characterized by a persistent and intense urge to engage in drug usage, despite substantial harm and other negative consequences. At Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, we understand the complexities of drug addiction and provide evidence-based treatments to help individuals regain control over their lives.

What causes Drug Addiction

  • A history of addiction in the family.
  • Problems with one’s mental health
  • Peer pressure.
  • a lack of involvement from family members
  • Early use.
  • Using substances that can cause severe addiction.

Drug addiction can be influenced by various factors, including a family history of addiction, mental health issues, peer pressure, early use of substances, and the use of highly addictive drugs. Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, addresses these underlying causes to facilitate lasting recovery.

Symptoms of Drug Addiction

  • Anxiousness
  • Inattentiveness
  • Failure to motivate oneself.
  • Irritability as well as fits of rage.
  • Alterations in either one’s personality or attitude.
  • Psychological and emotional distancing oneself from other people.
  • Sudden mood swings.
  • Paranoia for no apparent reason

The symptoms of drug addiction may manifest as anxiety, inattention, irritability, mood swings, and emotional distancing from others. Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, offers personalized care to address these symptoms and support individuals in their journey to sobriety.

Impacts of Drug Addiction on Personal/Social/Professional Life

  • Drug users may have relationship paranoia, such as believing that their friends are turning against them.
  • Drug addicts may even get violent and aggressive against others, including their family and friends.
  • Addicts frequently have one or more comorbid medical disorders, such as lung or heart disease, stroke, cancer, or mental health issues.
  • high incidence of violence, crime, and homelessness
  • feel physically and emotionally mistreated and unsafe.

Drug addiction can have severe impacts on personal relationships, leading to paranoia and violent behavior. It may also result in various comorbid medical conditions and increase the risk of violence, crime, and homelessness. Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, aims to break this cycle of addiction and help individuals rebuild their lives.

Worldwide Statistics - Drug Addiction

  • Over 36 million people experienced drug use problems last year, whereas over 275 million people took drugs globally (UNODC).
  • The number of drug users increased by 22% between 2010 and 2019 due in part to the growing world population.
  • Current forecasts indicate an 11% increase in drug users worldwide by 2030 based only on demographic changes (WHO).
  • The most recent estimates indicate that 5.5% of people between the ages of 15 and 64 have used drugs at least once in the past year and that 36.3 million people, or 13% of all drug users, have a drug use disorder (NSUDH).
  • Drug usage causes 11.8 million deaths annually, both directly and indirectly. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs increases the risk of early death, which results in 11.4 million premature deaths annually (UNODC).
  • Each year, overdoses from alcohol and illicit substance use disorders result in approximately 350,000 fatalities. In men, substance use disorders are far more prevalent (DRUGABUSE).

What is Drug Rehabilitation or De-Addiction?

Drug rehabilitation refers to receiving medical or psychotherapeutic treatment for a dependency on psychoactive substances. At Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, we provide comprehensive drug rehabilitation programs, addressing alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit substances.

How Second Street Do it?

Initial Stage of Treatment

The decision to seek assistance from a reputable drug rehabilitation program marks the beginning of the recovery process. Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, helps individuals actively participate in their therapy and strive for abstinence.

The Early Abstinence Phase

During this stage, individuals focus on early abstinence challenges, including withdrawal symptoms and identifying drug use triggers. Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, provides support to develop non-drug coping mechanisms.

Maintaining abstinence

Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, supports individuals in sustaining abstinence after completing the treatment program. Ongoing support and counseling reinforce their journey to sobriety.


Advanced recovery

Individuals are empowered to live a meaningful and successful life as they put the skills and knowledge gained during treatment into practice.

Why SecondStreet -The Best Drug Rehab

At Second Street, the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, our success is attributed to the length of time we allow individuals to spend in our drug rehab programs. We offer a built-in support system, providing constant assistance throughout the recovery process. Our focus is on equipping individuals with a solid foundation and necessary skills to regain control and boost their confidence in leading a drug-free life.


  • Because of the length of time we let you spend in our drug rehab, we have seen success.
  • We also give you a built-in support system where you always have people to turn to for assistance.
  • We give you a solid foundation and the necessary skills to regain control and boost your confidence.


Drug rehabilitation, also known as drug rehab or de-addiction, is the process of providing medical and psychotherapeutic treatment to individuals with a dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, or illicit drugs. The goal is to help individuals overcome their addiction and achieve lasting sobriety.

Drug rehabilitation is essential because drug addiction can have severe physical, psychological, and social consequences. It helps individuals break free from the cycle of addiction, address underlying issues, and regain control over their lives.

Second Street is recognized as the best drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai due to its comprehensive and evidence-based treatment programs, experienced and compassionate staff, supportive environment, and a track record of successful outcomes in helping individuals recover from drug addiction.

If you or your loved one is experiencing a persistent and intense urge to use drugs despite negative consequences, facing difficulty in quitting drug use, or suffering from physical or psychological harm due to drug abuse, seeking drug rehabilitation may be necessary.

Second Street provides drug rehabilitation for various types of drug addiction, including addiction to alcohol, prescription drugs, opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other illicit substances.

Second Street offers a range of evidence-based treatments for drug addiction, including medical detoxification, individual counseling, group therapy, behavioral therapies, holistic approaches, and aftercare support.

The duration of drug rehabilitation at Second Street varies depending on individual needs and progress. Treatment programs may range from a few weeks to several months to ensure a comprehensive and successful recovery.

Yes, Second Street encourages family involvement during drug rehabilitation. Family therapy and support play a crucial role in the recovery process, fostering a healthy and supportive environment for the individual seeking treatment.

Yes, Second Street provides aftercare support to individuals who have completed their drug rehabilitation program. Aftercare includes ongoing counseling, support groups, and resources to help individuals maintain their sobriety and prevent relapse.

To begin drug rehabilitation at Second Street, you can contact our admissions team through our website or by phone. Our caring staff will guide you through the initial steps and help you embark on the path to recovery.

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