This Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Bhandup provides the best Services

Making up your mind to take the right decision is not an easy task. There is no point to adapt some changes that won’t even work to solve the actual problem, even more so when the unfolding of these decisions involves a considerable commitment of time and money. The factors to be taken into consideration when deciding on a product or service should be very careful, in order to ensure that what you are looking for, in fact, meets your needs. 

The patient’s stay on site does not mean that he will lose contact with the outside world.

A great fear of people, when admitting a family member to a rehabilitation clinic, is that the patient will be incommunicado. This more fearful attitude is understandable, as there are many inpatient clinics that restrict individuals’ communication.

At the Second Street, the best Alcohal Rehabilitation Centre in Bhandup, there are special rooms for visitation. During the visit, the interaction is observed by our group of psychologists, who aim to update the family on the patient’s progress.

There is also the possibility of communication through letters or phone calls, so that this does not dissociate from the family routine. Some places do not allow family members to communicate with the patient, however, we know that the family cares about the hospitalized person, and that is why we consider this type of contact relevant.


Treatment for the chemical dependency is sometimes very difficult, given the high chance of relapses and lack of professional help. It is necessary that the patient’s stay during the clinic is monitoring, however, it is not healthy for hum to spend the days just thinking about curbing his addiction. We offer several leisure options for the patient to have moments of relaxation and interaction with the other patients. All physical activities are monitored by our physical education professional, who helps the patient in sports, in order to ensure the correct practice of the activities.


The professionals that make up our team are carefully chosen, starting with the psychologists who are specialist in Chemical Dependence.

Among the components of the professional body, we have psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, interns, nurses, cooks, nutritionist, holistic therapist, sports educator, cleaning assistants, and employees.

The healthcare team has previous experience in the field of intensive care for drug addicts. And, in order to ensure the professional integrity and safety of patients, all employees undergo routine toxicological tests to avoid any type of immoral conduct and hinder the treatment of drug addicts.


Our Team is made up of specialist professionals, who are in agreement with the posture and purposes that we defend at the Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Bhandup. We take into account the ethical and human conduct of relationships with patients. Empathy, which is the ability to put oneself in the other’s shoes, is essential in these cases, as it sees the patient as an individual, and not just as a number or someone who just needs to be medicated to improve or continue with the treatment. This posture of compassion is one of the pillars of the psychological approach used during treatment.

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